Friday, May 8, 2020

How to Write Narrative Essay Samples to Enhance Your Writing

How to Write Narrative Essay Samples to Enhance Your WritingUsing narration is one of the best ways to enhance your narrative essay when you are writing for your fourth, fifth, or sixth grade class. Although you might be able to write a great first-person story or even a very personal one in your third grade essay, but if you do not have the voice to craft your first person story, the reader is sure to lose interest and have no desire to continue reading.One way to improve on your first-person anecdote is to utilize your narration to bolster your vocabulary. Narrative essays can be a really challenging piece of writing to do with only first-person experience. The best way to take that challenge out of the picture and make your reader want to read your essay more is to use your narrative to help you in the way of vocabulary.How to do this is to write a vocabulary list using first-person reference to get good vocabulary as well as a few words that are easy to spell out. To do this, sim ply list off the first two to five words that you want your story to have. Next, list off a few words that might relate to that list. You might have a few words from the first paragraph that relate to what you listed but might not make it in to the list, but those are the two words that might be easy to spell.List all the word choices from your story that you will need to use throughout the rest of the story. Your story is going to be the first-person piece, so list off every one of those first-person references and any first-person verbs and adjectives. By doing this, you will increase your vocabulary in this category while increasing your reading speed because you will be using a word list instead of reading a list of words all the time.New words can come up throughout the rest of your story. If you have a couple of them but need a good list, then list out a few new words that are in common usage but might not come up much in your story. By creating a vocabulary list of your own, you can come up with new words throughout the rest of your story that you will not be using.When you use your narrator's voice to strengthen your vocabulary, you give your reader more freedom to explore the world and characters of your story. You are giving your reader more options when creating your story. So when you find yourself in a difficult situation, you can use your narration to help you out.Narrative essay samples are a great way to find out if you have the ability to weave a story together that is interesting and written with ease. Just by using narration to strengthen your vocabulary can make your writing and story even more compelling. So take some time and check out some narrative essay samples and see if you can determine whether or not you have the ability to use narration to add some spice to your writing.

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